My Best Blogger #4

What the heart feels is expressed through the poems and it is the poems from heart.

My Best Blogger #4 💕 Coco Kiju

Coco displays the creativity skill in writing poetry, through an amazing set of poems about life. What that makes them unique is the flow of language, diction and musicality.

The poem Rape me by Coco is my favourite. Complex emotions are carefully expressed in the poem, through the fine use of metrics of poetry.

I’ve dared to step out at nights.I’ve dared to wear my tights.I’ve dared to shine so bright.I’ve dared to give your insecurities a fright.Is it not invitation enough? No, I don’t wanna be a prostitute.‘Cause people still think they’re cute.I wanna be stomped under the boot.I want my life to be a never ending chute.So […]

Rape me

I am myself a student of Literature and that makes me devoted to appreciate the bliss that the reader gets from the poems of Coco. Also, I wish that Coco reaches great heights as a poet and hope that all of you who are reading this will support and encourage Coco.

P. S. I would also like to inform you all, about my podcast which has recently begun its journey. Thea Thoolika Podcast for Poetry is about finding and reciting unique poems to engage with and analyse the beauty of writing poetry in the Voyage through Life. Hope you will check this out from my website at the widget section or by clicking the icon below.

Let us get connected! You can find me on Instagram & Twitter 💕


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