My Best Blogger #5

The sixteen year old, Pakistani blogger Raimah, brings forth the beauty of the world through the photography blog titled “Quicksnaps”, which also includes mini articles on Raimah’s thoughts and ramblings.

My Best Blogger #5 ๐Ÿ’• Raimah Ali

The post titled Sandspit beach which is reblogged here is my favourite of all and is a visual treat like every other posts of Raimah.

I went to sandspit the other day and I had always heard about its beauty but when I went I was absolutely blown away. Especially at sunset, the beach adopted a rather calm and pleasant atmosphere which made the experience all the more fun.

Sandspit beach

Hoping that you would take a look at Raimah’s beautiful blog and support & encourage the talent.

Happy Blogging and Happy Weekend. ๐Ÿ’

Let us get connected on Instagram & Twitter ๐Ÿ’•


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